OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

The latest passive prosthetic technologies offer improvements in function and appearance. Some of the available options are:

-Custom Silicone Restorations: These cosmetic prostheses are made from a clear silicone glove that is painted by an artist to perfectly match your existing skin tone, body hair, freckles, and other natural features - tattoos and other unique artwork can also be included for even greater individual expression. Our prosthetic artists have many years of experience in this unique and meticulous type of painting.

-Multi-Positional Joints: By including multi-positional joints in a passive prosthesis, the wearer can use their sound hand to position the shoulder, elbow, wrist or fingers of the prosthesis to make it easier for them to hold or carry something. Multi-positional fingers can restore the ability to grasp small objects like cups, cans, pan handles, or even the hand of a loved one.

-Point Digit:Recently released by Point Designs for partial hand and finger amputees, the ratcheting Point Digit is a robust, articulating prosthetic finger with a high-tech metallic appearance. They are typically mounted onto a carbon fiber shell with a soft silicone inner socket, and can replace up to four fingers on a single hand. The user positions Point Digits by pushing the fingertips against a firm surface into the degree of flexion needed for a specific object or task. Point Digits may be combined with a custom silicone restoration so that they look and move like real skin - bending smoothly with the joints of the fingers.

-Titan Titanium Fingers:Titan fingers are another passive technology that makes it easier for a person with partial or total loss of a finger to hold or carry something by manually positioning the device's joint to the desired level of flexion. The Titan is very durable and comes in a variety of sizes to meet the needs of each individual patient.

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