OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

-The SuperCap® total hip replacement approach first
published in 2003 is designed to access the capsule
superiorly while preserving soft tissue during the
approach. The approach allows for implantation of
total hip components under direct vision through a
single incision. SuperCap® does not dislocate or
resect the femur prior to preparation, which reduces
the risk of femoral fracture, preserves the posterior
capsule, and maintains the external rotators for faster
patient recovery.

Key aspects

-Superior capsulotomy with trans-piriformis interval
between gluteus minimus and conjoined tendon

-Preserves capsule and external rotators

-In-situ femoral preparation without surgical dislocation to reduce the possibility of femoral fractures

-Direct visualization of femoral and acetabular
preparation/implant placement through the same
single incision

-Offset instruments and reamers to minimize soft
tissue damage


MicroPort Orthopedics Website


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