OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

Amnio-Maxx is an all-natural liquid matrix allograft derived from amniotic fluid. Naturally present to protect the fetus, amniotic fluid provides the ideal environment to support fetal growth. The cushioning effect of amniotic fluid in utero shields the fetus from outside pressures, acting as a shock absorber.

Much the same as the in utero environment, Amnio-Maxx principally functions to cushion surface articulation within the joint capsule. The most essential functions of the joint capsule are to provide shock absorption, lubrication, and joint stability. When injury or degradation causes cushioning to decline, discomfort can result as the body's natural shock absorbers wear out.

Amnio-Maxx harnesses the natural cushioning properties of amniotic fluid to deliver the same support to joint capsules. Delivered to provide supplementation, Amnio-Maxx helps to protect joints by supporting the overall function of the joint capsule. Clinically, Amnio-Maxx has been used successfully across the orthopaedic space with an impeccable safety record.


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