OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

This revolutionary polymer-based cerclage system is designed to solve many of the inherent problems of traditional monofilament wire and cabling systems.

Features and Benefits of the system include:

• Fatigue strength superior to metal cables and wire
- Leads to Reduced Complications from breakage.

• Elimination of cable-generated metal particle debris
- Metal debris has been shown to greatly increase wear in adjacent total joints.
- Metal cable and wire fragments have been shown to migrate throughout the body.

• No sharp cable ends
- Won’t irritate patient tissue.
- Won’t cut surgeon’s gloves or cause “sharps injury.”

• “Iso-Elasticity”
- Provides long-term dynamic compressive loading across bone fragments.
- Offers the possibility for better healing and increased construct strength.

• Unique “crimp-less” locking mechanism
- Cables can be easily re-tightened.
- Saves OR time.
- Reduces the number of cables required.

• Cables are easy and quick to manipulate within the wound.
- Saves OR Time.

• No metal cable contacting metallic implants.
- Eliminates concerns regarding dissimilar metals.
- No need for hospital to stock cables of several different materials.

• Radiolucent Strands
- Easier visualization on post-op x-rays.

The system is now available with trochanteric grips and cable-plates featuring screw holes with Agilock® Technology allowing placement of locking or compression screws in any screw hole.

Surgical Technique

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