OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

The proven joint fusion alternative*

The BioPro First MPJ Hemi Implant is the globally trusted solution for the treatment of hallux rigidus/limitus. Now in clinical use for over 65 years, the First MPJ Hemi Implant continues to demonstrate improved motion, long-term survivorship, and pain relief.


• Five standard sizes, available in porous and non-porous coated.
• Minimal bone resection technique preserves the FHB.
• Low profile, diamond shaped stem provides intramedullary fixation.
• Also available for the lesser digits.
• Manufactured from cobalt chrome(available in titanium for patients with a metal sensitivity).

Why resurface the phalanx?

Studies show during normal weight bearing the hallux metatarsal head is subject to forces up to 119% of patient body weight, compared to relatively minimal forces on the proximal phalanx. Clinical studies have shown in more than 50% of patients with metatarsal head implants, subsidence is seen. Furthermore, no long term clinical data has been presented involving metatarsal head implants equivalent to the long term data available on the BioPro implant. We believe implant subsidence will ultimately prevent metatarsal head implants from providing implant survivorship of 20 years as the BioPro phalanx based implant has shown.

Minimum Bone Resection Technique

The BioPro® First MPJ Hemi Implant is only 2mm thick, requiring minimal bone resection at the base of the proximal phalanx for proper implantation. This feature is very important for two main reasons. First, this preserves the FHB (flexor hallucis brevis), which typically attaches 6-8mm from the base. Sacrificing the FHB can result in a lack of toe purchase post-operatively. Second, the minimal resection technique maintains bone stock within the joint. This is an extremely important point should revision surgery ever be required. Typical revision for an implant is a joint fusion. The minimal resection technique employed with the BioPro® First MPJ Hemi Implant leaves sufficient bone stock to accommodate a fusion, should the need arise in the future. (www.bioproimplants.com)

Surgical Technique

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Biopro Website

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