OrthoAxis - Product

Product Overview

The Clavicle Plate and Screw System is a comprehensive set of plates, screws, and instruments designed to treat midshaft and distal clavicle fractures. The stainless steel plates are low profile and precontoured with locking and nonlocking screw options in each plate. Secondary fixation to the coracoid is achieved through the plate using AC TightRope® implant technology, particularly the AC Dog Bone™ button.

The Knotless Distal Clavicle Plate Button TightRope implant is designed to be used in conjunction with any Arthrex distal clavicle plate and gives the surgeon knotless coracoid fixation to help stabilize distal clavicle fractures. (https://www.arthrex.com)

Surgical Technique

Product Brochure

Arthrex, Inc. Website

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